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Safety and Justice for Every Community

A well trained, well funded, and well regulated justice and policing system is critical to the promotion of safe, prosperous neighborhoods. If elected, I intend to ensure this is the reality for every community. To accomplish this requires ensuring law enforcement officers have the resources required to effectively do their jobs, updating law enforcement policies to ensure officers are trained by and adhere to policies that keep both them and members of the community safe, and amending criminal codes and justice policies to end the disproportionate harm historically done to marginalized communities, particularly those of color.

In Congress, I will:

  • COSPONSOR the Providing Child Care for Police Officers Act of 2023, establishing a pilot grant program to provide child care services for children of law enforcement officers to accommodate the shift work and abnormal working hours of such officers, enhancing recruitment and retention of such officers

  • SPONSOR legislation expanding subsidized mental health service access for law enforcement officers to healthily manage the stresses and emotional tax of their work serving our communities

  • SUPPORT the Federal Police Camera and Accountability Act, requiring federal law enforcement officers to wear body cameras and federal law enforcement agencies to install video cameras in patrol cars

  • SUPPORT the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, increasing accountability for law enforcement misconduct, restricting the use of certain dangerous and discriminatory policing practices, enhancing transparency and data collection, and establishing best practices and training requirements on issues such as racial profiling, implicit bias, and the duty to intervene when another officer uses excessive force

  • COSPONSOR the Law Enforcement Training for Mental Health Crisis Response Act, authorizing a grant program for law enforcement agencies and corrections agencies to obtain behavioral health crisis response training for law enforcement officers and corrections officers

  • SUPPORT the EQUAL Act, eliminating the federal crack and powder cocaine sentencing disparity and applying it retroactively to those already convicted or sentenced

  • COSPONSOR the Reverse Mass Incarceration Act, authorizing a grant program for states to implement evidence-based programs designed to reduce crime rates and incarcerations, building safe pathways to deconstruct the mass incarceration crisis in our country

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